What is Bolo de Rolo?
Discover Bolo de Rolo, more than just a cake.
Unlike Swiss rolls or crepe layer cakes, Bolo de Rolo features ultra-thin, fluffy, buttery layers filled traditionally with guava.
Originating from Portugal and perfected in Brazil, this delicacy combines intricate textures and rich flavors, making it a unique Brazilian treat.
It's not just a dessert, but a culinary masterpiece.

A little bit of history:
Bolo de Rolo, dating back to the 16th century in Portugal, evolved significantly in Brazil's Pernambuco, incorporating local flavors like guava. This adaptation made it a key part of Brazilian cuisine, especially in the Northeast.
Recognized as cultural heritage in 2008, it has since diversified with flavors like chocolate and doce de leite, catering to a variety of tastes.

How to eat/serve Bolo de Rolo?
Enjoy Bolo de Rolo traditionally with a thin slice accompanied by tea or coffee.
Embrace the famous "Romeo and Juliet" and pair a thin slice of guava bolo de rolo and cheese for a sweet and savory mix, or warm it up and add ice cream for a special treat.
And remember, there's no right or wrong way to eat Bolo de Rolo – feel free to experiment and find your own way to enjoy this Brazilian delight!

How to bake Bolo de Rolo?
Due to its intricate design and techniques, baking a Bolo de Rolo is no small feat, and it is rarely baked at home. But don't worry, that's where we come in. At Sugarloaf Bakehouse, we've got the skills to bring you this amazing cake without any of the fuss.
Whether you've loved Bolo de Rolo for years or are just getting to know it, we're here to bring its rich flavors and incredible story right to your doorstep.